Black Belt Cichlid x Jack Dempsey


New Member
Aug 15, 2005
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I have a black belt female cichlid in with ( 2 ) oscars, ( 2 ) jacks, and ( 1 ) chocolate cichlid ( all under 6" in my 55 ) and today I noticed that my female black belt and male jack had taken possesion of a flat rock to the right side of my tank wich is surrounded with variouse hardy plants and they had begun cleaning the rock off, and courting each other... no eggs laid as of yet but showing seriouse signs of posibly mating with the usual body language and keeping all the other tank mates completely away from that rock of thiers.

Anyone know of a succesfull crossbreeding of these two fish and what the offspring might look like?

Anyone know how to permentally mark a new strain? I think its take the F1 hybrid and mate back to the original female take that offspring and mate the F2 offspring together???
I'm sure its possible, those 2 cichlids are close enough in family to hybridise. Let us know what happens!
wixx said:
I'm sure its possible, those 2 cichlids are close enough in family to hybridise. Let us know what happens!

Suprisingly nothing concrete has happened yet, but both are still showing signs of forming a compatible pair and have assumed territory over the entire side of the tank and that rock. The jack is getting a little aggressive with the blackbelt and I might give seperation a go if the abuse to the female black belt keeps up at this pace. No torn fins on the black belt as of yet, but shes really getting a run for her money and often I find her sitting on the rock gasping for air. I will definately let you guys know how it turns out

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