Black balloon Mollies


New Member
Jun 17, 2003
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hI guuys :lol:

I have black balloon mollies of 3.5 mths old in a tank of 22 deg celcius. Looking at them quite closely, I could notice some small white spot. Is that really white spot? :crazy: cos the bigger ones are not completely black. They are a lit bit grey under their belly and near their moouth. Pls advise me on any possible treatment? For the time being I added some salt.

does it look like little salt crytals on the fish? if so it is white spot, other wise it may just be coloring of the fish, or possibly the start of velvet or an other protozoan infection.
Thank you for your reply Tanked!!! :)

I've checked and it's really looks like little crystal salts on its whole body. :(
And unfortunately this morning i've found three of them died during the night!! :(

Please advise of any solution to buy and should i spread it in all my other tanks!!!!!!!!! -_-
RidIck or a comparable medication works. You can also increase the temp to about 82 and add salt to the tank. This will excellerate the parasites life cycle to the free floating stage where it can be killed.
Now I've my other tank full of goldfish that is being affected by white spot :crazy:

I added anti-white spot medicine purchased at lfs. He also told me not to put the lights and make some water change every 2 days. Is that ok ? :unsure:

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