Black And White Stripy Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2009
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I see them in the pet shop ages ago but they were really expensive like £20 for one roughly 2cm big??

the were like black with white strips or the otherway whatever way you want to look at it

and i think they had red eyes not to sure, was just wondering what they were called because i wanted to find some information about them like how big they get, if they are fairly easy to keep? can they be sex'd?
and obviously theyre not easy to breed as this is reflected in their high price.
I see them in the pet shop ages ago but they were really expensive like £20 for one roughly 2cm big??

the were like black with white strips or the otherway whatever way you want to look at it

and i think they had red eyes not to sure, was just wondering what they were called because i wanted to find some information about them like how big they get, if they are fairly easy to keep? can they be sex'd?
and obviously theyre not easy to breed as this is reflected in their high price.

Striped rapheal catfish maybe? does this look like it m8 .....LINK
nah it looks more like the one in your signiture but more roundy and smaller
nah it looks more like the one in your signiture but more roundy and smaller

now im stumped lol, do you know if it was a plec or a catfish? ...whiskers or no whiskers?

could possibly be a corydora but im struggling to think of a black and white striped one :huh:
Would not be this would it


L260 Queen Arabesque Plec
no whiskars and its similar but its stripes are all straight down the catfish and its not a corydora its more catfishy like the one in ur sig lol

dont be meant 2 the red tail!

they are awesome, but just need 2 be cared 4 properly. and in with fish bigger than their mouth :good: :rolleyes:

LOL.....its just i believe that the op hasn't got a tank big enough. They are pretty cute :good:
explain more round? and describe the fish a little more please. i might have this fish. i have alot of catfish.

got it bronzecat ;) they do need a pretty big tank!
the were like black with white strips or the otherway whatever way you want to look at it and i think they had red eyes not to sure

A Royal Pleco

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