Black African Knife Fish


Dec 9, 2006
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Cumbria, UK
I was wondering weather Black african knife fish can be kept in a community tank and what sort of size can they reach? I Just love these fish and i would love one for my community tank, they seem so qute! :wub:
Please can anyone help? Joemuz :D
BGKFs are NOT good community fish. the fish you can keep with them is quite limited. besides they have been known to grow upto 50cms, so you would need at least a 6' tank!

imho they are interesting only when they are small. once they reach about 6" they retain that appeal!

carefully consider your options!
carefully consider your options!
Carefully consider the question. ;)

The african knives available are different to the South American Black Ghost Knife and some only get to around 8-12". As a result they would be ok in a larger community (say 3-4" and up).

I can't remember the exact details about African knives, but seem to recall CFC imparting advice a little while ago on them.
The African Knife Fish being referred to is most likely Xenomystus nigri (sometimes called the black knifefish) of the smallest of the Notopterid 'Old World' knifefish. Their maximum size in captivity is about 8 inches though they grow a bit larger in the wild. These are definitely not fish to be trusted around fish small enough to be swallowed and they have a rather capacious mouth. As long as they're kept with relatively peaceful fish that are too big to become snack items then they make fairly good tankmates and are not overly aggressive except against fish that are similar in appearance to themselves. They prefer a heavily-planted tank with plenty of hiding places and are generally nocturnal so you may not see them very often if you give them a tank to their liking.

no small fish is a definate no but ther really are nice fish to own in my opinion ther are cirtainly a cernerpeice fish an get alot of intrest they also become very tame towards the owner if you hold your hand in the tank (bare in mind u dont have other fish that will try and eat you like my evil gourmies) he will come up and sit in ur hand tho this takes some time before that happens mine does now !!! i love him

as for having a 6ft tank thats no nessary as they do not move much only when ther eating they genrally liek to hold 1 area of the tank and make it ther own they settle down nicely but at least a 40 gallon tank long.

also pickey eater need bloodworm i have never know them to eat anythink else definatly not flake food mine wont touch the stuff :)
I went to my local aquatics and bought one yesterday evening and its only small, 3inch and was £8.
The owner said that it will be ok to keep in my community tank until it gets to full size and then it might consume the odd neon tetra. This morning when i fed my fish it was eating the flake too??? i cant under stand as they are not renoun for doing this are they? But he/she is beautifull :wub: The man told me to feed him bloodworm at least once a week but twice would be better. And last night when i put some cauliflower in for my plec the knife fish was absolutly luvin it! The plec would only let one fish near it and that was the knife fish which was so sweet! :wub: Thanks a lot Joemuz :D

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