Black Aeneus Or Green Lazer


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2005
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Does anyone know where i can order black aeneus or Green Lazer cories in the US? i have a 10 gallon with 2 bronze cories in it and since they are C. Aeneus i figured they would school with the bronzeones too.
just a comment about mixing aeneus variants as they will spawn together and get undesired mixes of fry. especially with the ease that aeneus spawn at, even in community tanks. I would not reccomend keeping different aeneus varients together in the case that spawning does occur.

i would suggest if infact you do find aeneus black or green lasers that you either get a new tank for them or part with the common aeneus variant you have right now.

or even better, maybe get a different species to mix in with your current aeneus as there are so many other options to choose from.
just a comment about mixing aeneus variants as they will spawn together and get undesired mixes of fry. especially with the ease that aeneus spawn at, even in community tanks. I would not reccomend keeping different aeneus varients together in the case that spawning does occur.

i would suggest if infact you do find aeneus black or green lasers that you either get a new tank for them or part with the common aeneus variant you have right now.

or even better, maybe get a different species to mix in with your current aeneus as there are so many other options to choose from.

hmm. yeah i guess that is true. But wouldnt they probably just eat them all anyways since i would seperate them. Also i still have a few tetras in there. would tetras eat the eggs? if worse comes to worse i can just scrape the eggs off and put em in my big tank where they wouldnt last long

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