Bits in my water.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2004
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Hi All,

I think I may have a problem with my tank........there seems to be very small particles floating around in the water and I was wondering if it is irritating for the fish and maybe their gills. I don't use filter wool and was wondering if that will help get rid of it. At a distance the tank looks fine but when you get up real close you can see the bits. Am I just being paranoid and do other tanks have very smallbits floating around in them too. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I've never heard of this 'wool'. But no there should not be 'bits' floating. I would do a bunch of small frequent changes (and clean out your filter) until you get rid of it.
have you done a water change recently? My tank sometimes gets a bit cloudy if I'm a bit vigorous with the gravel cleaning after a water change!! I always have floss in my filters though, so it doesn't last long!!
Stupid question but is your tank fully cycled? If not it's just bacteria and will go in a few days.

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