



i dont a problem for once!!! :) lol

I was just wondering if anyone else's betta ever bit them!??!?! I put my hand in my betta's tank to sort out his ornaments ( :D ) and he bit me... he didnt flare or anything, just went straight for me! and it HURT!!!! I swear he's got teeth!!!lol

Anyway, i know my betta is evil... he ATE half my other fish!!! Little But does anyone else have bettas that attack them?! He is SO cool! :D Now every time i walk past his tank he follows me... its kind of Gotta love the little guy!!! :D

That's too funny! Your betta's stalking you! :shifty:

Mine has nipped me, but only when I move ornaments around. Last time I moved an ornament around he decided it would be a good idea to sit and perch in my hand. Bettas are too funny!

-- Leigh Ann
ITS NOT FUNNY!!!! He's staring at me now.... He looks mad... lol He's kinda scary...

I just tried putting my hand in again, just to see if it was a one off and he bit me again then starting going round in circles.... I think he hates me... lol


Betta do have teeth! And here's a tidbit of useless knowledge, a bettas bite is the equivalent to that of a shark. :) The fish is a million times smaller but it bites just as hard as a shark would, if it were that size.
They have teeth?!?! Ok.. NOT putting my hand in there again! And i can verify that yes, they do bite as hard as a shark.. Not that ive been bitten by a shark but it hurt, a lot... lol

Why does he hate me?!?! :( lol
wuvmybetta said:

Betta do have teeth! And here's a tidbit of useless knowledge, a bettas bite is the equivalent to that of a shark. :) The fish is a million times smaller but it bites just as hard as a shark would, if it were that size.
That's great info! Now, I can name the next betta Jaws or something! j/k!

Jess: I'm sorry to laugh, but you do seem to have a stalker on your hands (fingers literally) ;)
wuvmybetta said:

Betta do have teeth! And here's a tidbit of useless knowledge, a bettas bite is the equivalent to that of a shark. :) The fish is a million times smaller but it bites just as hard as a shark would, if it were that size.
:blink: are you serious?!

if it hurts... i don't think i'd want to try with mine :crazy: but if it ever happens, i'll probably end up posting a similar thread!
xXMrBonesXx said:
yes, i was looking over my gf's tank because it doesnt have a lid and her female betta jumped out of the water and got my nose :angry: so i poked her lol
Sorry to hear about your nose :-(
Ok... The finger hurt enough... the nose must be VERY painful!!! Put a lid on her!!! Gonna lock my betta in his tank... He's
Once I was putting food in my tanks and in one of the female tanks I started to drop the food in and the female jumped out and bit my finger trying to get the food, Lol. Totally freaked me out. Now I use a Q-tip and she regularly jumps out and latches onto the Q-tip for a good second or 2, Lol. It's like fishing without hooks, hahaha. Once the cotton on the Q-tip got stuck on her teeth (I assume that's what it stuck too) and it literally was like fishing as the cotton started threading as she tried to swim away, with the cotton trailing behind her, still attached to the stick, Lol. Freaked me out. Finally it came undone and I pulled it out, this long piece of cotton, Lol.


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