bit the bullet


Aug 17, 2004
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Mesa, Arizona-US
They sure are tiny right now, about how big do they need to be till I start feeding them snails? I guess I could try to get some snails now, but they would have to be sooooo small that i don't know that their shells would be hard yet :dunno:
Small snails can be offered now. If the snails are too big to crunch up, then the puffers will just suck them right out of the shell.

Do not offer malaysian trumpet snails (the one that look like ice creams) as the shells are too hard and can break the fish's teeth.

You'll never find enough snails to feed them mostly on snails (puffers eat a lot so you will need to offer other foods.

Live or frozen bloodworm is taken very eagerly by dwarf puffers, as is brine shrimp & daphnia
Yeah, my DPs have no hesitations in attacking snails that are bigger than they are. The DPs just tip the snail shell over and try to grab the snail right out of there.

P.S. Sirminion, your new avatar is amazing.
Your best bet would be to start a snail tank. Unless you can get to a store that will give you ~3 snails per puff 3 or more times a week.

Thanks for the info guys, i'm going to a more specialised fish store (than PetSmart anyway) to try and get some snails for them. I went to PetSmart today to try and get some and they could only find 3 small snails. I also bought 6 ghost shrimp and I haven't seen them since I dropped them in the tank. :whistle: I also got some frozen brine shrimp and some frozen Daphnia to try and vary their diet up a bit. The Barbs are going to be loving all this. I was only giving them mostly flakes with the occasional bloodworm fefore i got the puffers :wub:

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