Hey all. firstly i've been looking on the web for information about looking after crayfish in the aquarium, and am not really having much luck, if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.
Ok so Im keeping a redclawed crayfish in an aquarium chiclids only. Firstly i was told this would be ok, due to the chiclids being quite an agressive and fast fish, that the cray wouldn't have a chance to catch and eat them... When the cray is due to shed, do i need to put in another tank. Will the chiclids go for it. I've only had this guy for about a week, and have noticed on his front arm, that it's sort of split, and almost looks as if something is coming out?? Im wondering if the chiclids are pershaps bullying this guy? or is this how the shedding starts.. I do find that the chiclids are not bothered by him at all, and when the cray has climbed onto his plant that he likes, they are quite happy to be swimming along side him... any help would be great..
Ok so Im keeping a redclawed crayfish in an aquarium chiclids only. Firstly i was told this would be ok, due to the chiclids being quite an agressive and fast fish, that the cray wouldn't have a chance to catch and eat them... When the cray is due to shed, do i need to put in another tank. Will the chiclids go for it. I've only had this guy for about a week, and have noticed on his front arm, that it's sort of split, and almost looks as if something is coming out?? Im wondering if the chiclids are pershaps bullying this guy? or is this how the shedding starts.. I do find that the chiclids are not bothered by him at all, and when the cray has climbed onto his plant that he likes, they are quite happy to be swimming along side him... any help would be great..