Bit Of Info Please


New Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Hey all. firstly i've been looking on the web for information about looking after crayfish in the aquarium, and am not really having much luck, if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.
Ok so Im keeping a redclawed crayfish in an aquarium chiclids only. Firstly i was told this would be ok, due to the chiclids being quite an agressive and fast fish, that the cray wouldn't have a chance to catch and eat them... When the cray is due to shed, do i need to put in another tank. Will the chiclids go for it. I've only had this guy for about a week, and have noticed on his front arm, that it's sort of split, and almost looks as if something is coming out?? Im wondering if the chiclids are pershaps bullying this guy? or is this how the shedding starts.. I do find that the chiclids are not bothered by him at all, and when the cray has climbed onto his plant that he likes, they are quite happy to be swimming along side him... any help would be great..
thanks :good:
Im sorry Im not much help, im sure someone will have the experience with them to help though, and just havent noticed your thread yet.
Dude, you should alter the subject of your thread so it attracts the right attention. Try putting "crayfish" in there somewhere. :good:

I'm afraid I personally don't have much experience with crays, but I trust you have a few good hiding places for him? Most crustaceans like to run away and hide from time to time, especially after they moult. How many chiclids do you have? For that matter, how big are they, compared to the cray?
A split on his arm doesn't sound too good... :/ Fingers crossed, most problems get sorted out when a crustacean moults. Most of them regenerate injuries or even entire lost limbs!

Boboboy's the resident cray expert around here, so it seems. I'm sure he'll be along sooner or later... :)
hey Little-L

on the whole, Cray and chiclids, in my tank at least, seem to get on ok, though as i always say, each critter has its own personality and that must be taken into consideration. you will need to give the Crayfish plenty of hides, caves ,tubes and logs to hide under, especially when its moulting.

Cray, it seems, are best put in a community tank, after they mature, about seven months for a redclaw. they tend not to do well in none mature tanks, under six months cycled. same is true of fish, though they seem to do better, all your fish should be mature, or have six months in a tank before you add the cray. you could do with keeping the cray on its own, while it matures, this also gives you chance to gauge the temperament of your cray. you must be aware, though the redclaw is one of the least aggressive cray, things could go very wrong, with both dead fish or even a cray.

little background:

Cray like a ph of 7.5-8.5
they need well oxygenated water
they need lots of caves/hides
they have a habit of destroying live plants
they are escape artists of great skill
they are omnivorous, opportunist scavengers. ill or dead fish, will be eaten, though they are not by nature hunters.
young cray tend to like meat more. as they age they seem to turn more too the veggie (my cray use to love fresh roast chicken, she did seem to have trouble with the knife and fork though lol, but now she will not eat it)
food is simple, they eat everything that gets to the bottom of the tank, even fish poo on occasions.
please please do not be fooled into thinking Crays are slow, if a cray seems slow at catching a fish it is because it is not trying. lol my cray is faster over two feet or so than my bala shark!!
check your pms!
regards BoB
Excellent info there boboboy.. :good: thanks... :D and thanks for the PM.. ;)

The tank itself has been going for at least 2 years non stop.. The chiclids I would say are juviniles, although not on the small side... He has plenty of hides, although no doubt a few more could be added just to be sure... And I do have a spare 88 for him... mmm giving me new thought now about setting up a tank just for him... and your right totally addictive.....
thanks little-l. keep the posts coming. we dont get enough post by cray keepers here, even less from community cray keepers. all the best now BoB

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