Bit of fun...


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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If you had a 500g tank and unlimited money what would you stock? One catch, you can have only 5 different species of fish howeva as many of tha fish as you like. So get thinkin! Its sumthin im interested in would love 2 hear others views.

What i would go for may not seem to glamerous but here it is...

A 30 strong shoal of marbled hatchetfish.
10 Clown loaches
50 cardinals
4 large angels (probably koi, 2 pairs)
Large shoal of corydoras adolfoi.

What do u think? I love kuhlis bt clowns are my fave..
I would go marine and get some clown fish.
Not sure if they can co-exsist, but Id get 2 oscars and some large schools of tetras and a shark. Maybe a catfish.
Then again, I know so little.
But thats what Id WANT to do. lol
Snds gud, clown fish is a gud idea then agen the others r 2!
2 Osphronemus Goramy...

However, if what you're looking for is a community set-up I'd go for a gigantic shoal of tiger barbs and/or maybe clown barbs and some rainbow sharks and flying foxes...
Alternatively I'd go for bala sharks, kissing gouramies, clown loaches and a common pleco.
Or I'd get a black shark and whatever else would not get eaten by it...

edit: Or you could try a species tank of pearl gouramies - oh how beautiful that would be! Ooo... or a huge tank dedicated to tiny fish - I'm thinking 200 badis badis...
A zebra pleco haven would be cool, providing exceptional filtration and ery aerated water. 500g full of them, specially as theyre so sociable it wud be a site for sore eyes!
Hmmmm interesting.

Either a couple of stingrays or huge amount of cardinals and danios with loads of corys and khulis. Umm one left, errrr ok either rams or kribs.

Biggest oddball I could get, and if it was possible (since I have no idea :X ) a shark, like a real small sort of shark. Or lots of cichlids. Or gudgeons, guppies, catfish, some sort of cichlid and some kind of bottom feeder, those really cool looking plecos. Or eels. Or.......
I'd get my cats custom made diving gear and some feeder fish and they can catch their own lunch... stop bugging me for sardines u little rat bags! :fun:
Good idea! Alternatively, a bala shark shoal would be nice, possibly with some shark catfish.

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