Bit Of Advice Needed - Noob


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Hi all,

After long hours reading and scrolling around the internet, i have finally invested in a tank.

I got a Juwel Rio 180 for £40, bargain i think.

I just wanted to know if there are hints or tips to go with this tank, it hasnt got the internal filter so i wont have to take that out. Or if anyone would reccomend any hardware that goes well with this tank.

Also if anyone could give me some advice or examples on lighting, as i would prefer not to have an open lid tank (i think thats what its called)

Any advice would be most appreciated

With Thanks

Ah cheers Shibby, its always more interesting when you can relate it to your own

cheers matey
Hi Rich,

My tip would be to not set the tank up yet and wait until you've decide what you want it to be. The reason for this is so that you can make modifications to the cabinet while the tank is empty. I removed the central support collumn on my cabinet (while it was setup and it was a pain in the @$$ to do) and fitted a wooden framework so that I could fit a 2ft sump in there.


You can also see the lighting setup I used.


we have one as our reef tank and to be fair....

its a tank it holds the water.

as for the lighting...

what i have is a 250 w metal halide security light mounted on the wall and to surround it i cut a piece of 18mm ply the length of the tank plus 36mm,
then cut 2 pieces to go from the face of the tank back to the wall.
fixed this all together with some 2x2 including some added to the bottom to prevent it from just slipping down.

and ther eyou have a hood less tank but with a hood
You could also attach two T5 power compacts, or just one.Depending on what you have in your tank.Have a look on ebay, theres plenty on their and thats where I got mine from. :good: (24 watt controller and sunglow tube).
Thanks for all your input guys,

1st question - After reading other peoples journals, some people go with one heater others go for 2 just in case one fails. What would you go for, also does anyone reccomend any makes, im after good quality and relaible!

Also what is the sort of ocnversion of liters/gallons per wattage on heating???

I've got two heaters. 1 is in the sump, the other is in the shed outside lol. I check my tank temperature daily when I feed the fish, if one was to fail, I'll spot it and replace the heater. Its always good to have a backup though, like heaters, powerheads etc.
Two heaters all the time. And I change them out every 2 years. I will not use an old heater on any tank, marine or freshwater. Way too many stories of them failing and destroying whole tanks. Way too big a risk for a cheap part.
Cheers Guys, What would be the ideal wattage (if thats a word) heater for a 180 litre tank. I have tried to find this info on the internet but cant find it.

Also if i was to have 2 would i just divide the wattage?


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