Miss Wiggle
Practically perfect in every way
right, i'll start out by apologising if this topic upsets or offends anyone, i'm not exactly delighted to be lumbered with this as it is but i'll just explain the situation.
my mum's been going through some of my nan's old stuff, tkaing it to charity, selling the antiques etc etc, she came across a handbag and doesn't know what to do with it.
it's some sort of lizard type skin and it's real, we don't know what it is, and we need to so we know what's best to do with it.
taken a couple of pics, not brilliant, but i'd really appreciate it if someone could help provide an ID on the skin.
I'd really appreciate it if we could avoid a full scale epic on the ethics of owning this, just to re-iterate, neither myself or my mum bought or want this.... i do think it's horrible to walk around with it on your arm and i wouldn't do it myself, however i know sometimes charities like PETA may accept donations of things like this to use a demonstration materials, or we could maybe donate it to a museum?? i'm really stuck and just trying to help my mum figure out what it is so we know who to contact and what to do with it.
she thinks it's a waste to just throw it away.
so anyway here goes with a few pics, if you know what it is can you let me know, thanks
edit: and sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, wasn't sure if i should at all or where to put it
my mum's been going through some of my nan's old stuff, tkaing it to charity, selling the antiques etc etc, she came across a handbag and doesn't know what to do with it.
it's some sort of lizard type skin and it's real, we don't know what it is, and we need to so we know what's best to do with it.
taken a couple of pics, not brilliant, but i'd really appreciate it if someone could help provide an ID on the skin.
I'd really appreciate it if we could avoid a full scale epic on the ethics of owning this, just to re-iterate, neither myself or my mum bought or want this.... i do think it's horrible to walk around with it on your arm and i wouldn't do it myself, however i know sometimes charities like PETA may accept donations of things like this to use a demonstration materials, or we could maybe donate it to a museum?? i'm really stuck and just trying to help my mum figure out what it is so we know who to contact and what to do with it.
she thinks it's a waste to just throw it away.
so anyway here goes with a few pics, if you know what it is can you let me know, thanks

edit: and sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, wasn't sure if i should at all or where to put it