Birth symptoms


New Member
May 29, 2003
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st. Louis
Hi guys!

Very first post here, what a cool forum....!

I have a pregnant guppy, ready to pop :sick: any day now!! (This is like her 2nd or 3rd brood). What are some symptoms as to when she is getting near the minute or hour of birth??

Upstairs in my bedroom, I have a 5 gallon with about 40 fry babies consisting of white sailfin mollies, sunburst platies, and of course :hyper: guppies. I love them!!! My husband is so tickled as to how fast they are growing! The mollies are huge, well, they were born huge....

anyway, whatever input you guys got would be gladly appreciated!!
She will stop swimming around alot! stay in one place and not swim around. That usually meens she will give birth pretty soon! Oh yeah, Welcome To The Forum!
Oh Great!! That's just what she's been doing all day yesterday and this morning before I left for work!! :D

-jones grabs the mic, clearing her throat...-

"I'm gonna have babies when I get home!!!!"

Thanks shimanocono
If she looks abit squarish from the back then that is usually a good indication that she will give birth within 24 hours thats how i can pinpoint my births and then calculated it after every 28 days after the 1st birth of babies.

Hey welcome to the forum.

Good luck with the babies!!!!

Females can store male sperm for up to 3 months after being naughty with the male!!!

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