Birdy Pics


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Petri and Joule had one of their first long playtimes together today. Eventually they will be living in the same cage, but Petri is going to have to accept Joule first. Joule is very interested in him and even tried to regurgitate for him today, but he didn't act like he really knew what was going on, lol. At first he even thought she was trying to bite him! I don't think he was raised with other birds and he doesn't know how to act around them. He'll catch on I'm sure, he just needs time; right now he's still a little bitey with her so I wouldn't feel safe having them live together yet even though Joule can certainly put him in his place, she's the dominant one! Joule offered her head for him to groom and was a real sweetheart, but Petri is a typical oblivious male :rolleyes:
"Why are you putting me next to HER?"

Trying to ignore one-another

A bit closer...

Joule wanted to sit next to him like this and they played musical chairs for a long time, jumping back and forth with him trying to get away from her and her following :lol:

Petri's newly rearranged cage -- I like it better this way with the diagonal perches

"Grrr, what are you doing in my territory???"

"You're lucky I tolerate you."

My mother's lovebird men, Eek and Meek, looking like gremlins after a bath :lol:

love the birds! im thinking of getting a pet bird but dont want something that is really hard to tame. what kind do you suggest? i mean a bird that will come and sit on you soulder and wont fear you. had a pet budgi years ago and he was mental! also i mean a bird that wont cost a bomb.
I love those peach-face lovebirds. Gorgeous! I had a pied (sp) peach-face male and a peach-face female way back when I used to live in WA. Loved my sister, hated me! That's what I get for sexing him. Yes, him. I was right. Had to sex his wife too. They were royal pains. Had loads of babies, though. That was of course, AFTER we gave them away when we moved to FL.
love the birds! im thinking of getting a pet bird but dont want something that is really hard to tame. what kind do you suggest? i mean a bird that will come and sit on you soulder and wont fear you. had a pet budgi years ago and he was mental! also i mean a bird that wont cost a bomb.
Anything that has been hand fed since it was a chick will be tame, but depending on how much it has been handled you may still have to train it. For example, both Petri and Joule were hand raised and are tame as everything, but Joule is a little nippy and doesn't know the "step up" command yet (I have to press up on her chest to make her step on my finger), and Petri is a little hellion :lol:. He bites, but he's getting much better. The lovebirds were both handled a lot as chicks and don't have this problem.
Most readily available parrot-type birds (other than budgies) like parrotlets, lovebirds, and cockatiels are hand raised, but be sure to check before buying, of course. Your best bet is to find a breeder or go to a LFS and ask to handle the birds and see which ones are nice. Some are just lovers and will take to anybody, and others are like Petri :lol:
Personally, I recommend cockatiels. They're pretty common and cheap ($50-$100). Parrotlets are harder to find, but also great birds, although apparently they're a bit more nippy a can be more expensive ($75-$200). Lovebirds can also be nippy, but we've never had that problem with Eek and Meek... I guess it really depends on the individual bird :)
A couple more pics... Joule would force him to the edge of the perch with her advances and he'd try to fly and land on my head to get away :lol:. He still isn't too taken with her, but less wary than yesterday, which is better.

"Ew mom, help! She has girl cooties!!!"
Oh I know this post is very old but not many people have Parrotlets. Just wanted to know, are yours as violent and crazy as mine? I can't even touch my parrotlets! They rule my room.

Now an old thread has been dug up anyway ...
-We Need Updated Pictures!-
It's been over a month since I last heard of them, are they still ok?
And how do Diva & Mia find the birds? Hope Mia has settled right in already =)

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