Birchir Tank Ideas Any Thoughts


New Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Planing on setting up a birchir tank. Currently have a 55g community tank that i'll be switching. The stocking I've been thinking about is 2 delhezi, 1 sengal, 1 peacock eel, also have a rapheal in the tank now that will be staying since I only see him when I move things around so he should be fine. Just not sure what else to add. The 55g has been up and running for over a year it has an eheim 2224 cannister, and aquaclear rated for 40g. And a spare eheim 2213 if needed so filtration is covered just not sure what else to add ideas and thoughts are welcomed. And if needed I have a grow out tank
Sounds like a great tank! I love bichirs.

I would go with a larger schooling fish, something like Hemiodus sp. (if you can get them in your area) or any other fish that's at least 4-5" when fully grown. Bichirs are active hunters and even though they look small, their mouths can open very wide. I would also suggest keeping the tank pretty well decorated for hiding spaces and places for the bichirs and other fish to find cover.

It will be such a great tank when done! Keep us updated.
Planing on setting up a birchir tank. Currently have a 55g community tank that i'll be switching. The stocking I've been thinking about is 2 delhezi, 1 sengal, 1 peacock eel, also have a rapheal in the tank now that will be staying since I only see him when I move things around so he should be fine. Just not sure what else to add. The 55g has been up and running for over a year it has an eheim 2224 cannister, and aquaclear rated for 40g. And a spare eheim 2213 if needed so filtration is covered just not sure what else to add ideas and thoughts are welcomed. And if needed I have a grow out tank
swap a delhezi for a senegal, throw in another rapheal, a halfbanded spiny eel and a geo; there you have it. my stocking :lol: you might want to try tanin soaked water. yellow water with tones of wood and sand works fantastic :)
thanks but i really like the look of the delhzi, and my tank is full of wood so it's always yellow didn't like it at first but enjoy having the wood in the tank and I've grown to like the yellow water. and what are Geo's? switched my gravel out for sand, It took me two week to do it since i did it a little bit at a time. So know have to see if I can find birchirs locally?
Straydum was referring to Geophagus spp. (if I am correct), which is a beautiful group of cichlids from the Amazon, commonly called "earth eaters." I keep Geophagus sp. "red head" Tapajos and Satanoperca jurupari (which is technically not a Geo, but very close).

Where are you at? If you are in the US, Toyin of is the place to find bichirs. :D
nah i'm not asking you to take out the delhezi :lol: i'm just talking about my stocking. yeap invader is right. i'm referring to eartheaters. great fishes though they're quite boisterous when it comes to feeding.

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