

Fish Crazy
May 19, 2003
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im thinking of getting a biowheel for my 20 gallon tank. are they used as a filer by themselves or in combination with a hob filter? does anyone have a link so i can see what one of these things looks like? is a super good site to read about biowheels, and it also includes some pictures you wanted, so I'd suggest you check it out. I did a lot of research trying to figure out what type of filter I wanted, and after reading this, along with other opinions (all good!) on biowheels, I decided to get a Penguin Mini, which includes a biowheel. I really recommend them, so I'd advise you to get one if you can.
i have 3 different filters from penguin...all bio-wheels....there great...(when i bought my setup i was told "this is the best"....I was thinkin its a But i love it...i have the mini for my 10 gal, the 120 for my 20 gal, and the 330 for my 55...they take about a month to really run well...but awsome product....imo....
The Emperor is definitely better. I bought a Penguin 330 and took it back the very next day for a Emperor 270. The media baskets are much better, has adjustable flow (great for feeding) and sprayer bar to keep the wheel turning.
the wheel's are forever stopping on all of mine :rolleyes: , the sprayer bar & adjustable flow on the Emperor 270 sounds interesting ;)
I am interested in getting a biowheel but don't really know anything about them. How long does it take to establish the biological filter? While its bacteria is developing how do you get your tank to survive without the cycle becoming completely screwed up?
guppymonkey said:
I am interested in getting a biowheel but don't really know anything about them. How long does it take to establish the biological filter? While its bacteria is developing how do you get your tank to survive without the cycle becoming completely screwed up?
Probably the same amount of time but with the BIO-wheel you get a lot more of them than with any other filter because it uses the oxygen from outside the water (200,000ppm) rather than other filters which use waters oxygen (7ppm) so the beneficial bacteria colonies thrive and mass produce so much more with a BIO-wheel. Which in turn means it eats more ammonia etc.

Depending on your filter you have now and tank size, you could just add the Emperor to your existing filtration. Then after a week you can either take the other filter out or leave both running. :)
I doubt a biowheel would work with my Whisper filter. Tetra doesn't like people using their products in conjunction with other companies stuff. <<< very technical term! :D

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