Biowheel Noise Problem

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Fish Crazy
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma, USA

I have Marineland biowheel filter that filters up to 150 GPH and it is currently in my 10 USG freshwater tank. when i first got the filter i quite liked it, i didnt mind the falling water sounds and actually liked the subtle noise. but now, and actually for a few weeks it sounds like the motor is having problems and is extremely loud. I have a sand substrate (common play sand from home depot or something like that) and i figured that this might have been clogging it up, but i have cleaned the filter thoroughly many times and i still have the problem. Also sometimes after cleaning it it wouldnt even turn on after plugging it in. I had to fiddle with it and beat it a few times. lol, it is fairly new, only a few months old, it was a replacement for an old filter that i didnt like because it didnt get enough water flow.

does anyone have any suggestions of what might be causing the noise and/or how to fix it? or should i get a new filter, and if so, what kind? Does anyone else have problems with sand substrate clogging their filters?

I was looking at the new fluval U filters and i think i might like those. any suggestions?

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