Biorb And Biube

Duck and Dive

Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
England, South East

Is it me or do biorbs seem to be a bit expensive? a 60L with just the filter is £100 and then the algea magnets are £7 the filter replacement is £8, then the Biorb fake plants 2 in a packet are £10!! Its also a hassle to change the filter and a knightmare to clean. But I must say they do look good, and the aereation and lighting are brilliant.
Yeah they are quite pricey and despite the fact they look quite cool they really aren't very good for keeping fish in. Much better to get a nice braceless cube imo.
You can get an arcadia arc tanks for £50 you can also get arc stlye tanks up to 120L for under £100. Theres another forum just for the biorb/ube and other small tanks (google orbit forums) thay also sell pattern biorb/ube filters cheaply

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