Biological Impact Of Cherry / Amano Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Nov 14, 2008
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I have a small 35 L tank - I was wondering what is the biological impact of keeping shrimp in there?
Do I need to include shrimp in stocking calculations?
I was thinking about 3 Amano and 5 Cherry shrimp.

They do have some impact, but not as much as fish, you could have a couple of hundred cherry shrimp in 35l and they would still be breeding. Its a rough guess but three amanos I think of as similar in bioload to a guppy. Cherry are much smaller so something like three or four cherry as one amano. Thats just an impression. Shrimp eat all the time but they eat a lot of what is in the tank anyway, the algae and biofilm.
Welcome to TFF.
Thanks Liam - I am going to give them a try.

I'm fascinated by the shrimp I have seen and prefer them to other fish that work the bottom of the tank.

I guess I will just need to be careful about other fish purchases so they don't get attacked!
Thanks Scott :)

Going to be a while before I can get these shrimp - need to sort out my water first!

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