

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
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Birmingham, AL
I have a 10g tank and was wondering if having 2 cory cats, a betta, and a ADF is too many inhabitants?

Seems big enough, because they are small..but I was wondering if it's gonna be big enough in the future or do I need to go on and upgrade to a larger tank or move some fish out.

Thanks in Advance, :look:
Sorry I don't know much about ADFs, but 2 Cories and a Betta should be fine.
Get at least one more cory, they do much better in groups of 3+ :)
Cool...thanks!!! :kana:

I just wanted to be sure..because I know the cory's can get up to 3" after a while..wasn't sure if the frog would get much bigger or not..he's about 1 1/2-2" right now. Betta is full grown lol. I did put 2 ghost shrimp in too, for good measure lol.
I don't know much about the ADFs so I can't speak as to them, but cory cats produce very little bioload - some people count them about half as big as they actually get when figuring final bio-load.
ADF's don't usually get much bigger then 2" or so. They'r dwarfs!

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