Biocide paint fumes


Fish Aficionado
Jun 2, 2019
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The paint that I need to use on a varnished banister contains a biocide and I am concerned for my fish (and shrimp and snails). The tanks are in the next rooms to the banister, they are filtered so it is the fumes rather than the actual paint that I am concerned with. I will turn off the filters and have as many doors and windows open for as long as is practical (considering inclement weather and night time security). Any thoughts/ advice?
The paint is
Are the rooms next to the banister with doors? You could use plastic tarps to try and block off those areas from the painting on the first day or two. You may also consider cheap, make-shift aquarium lids.
I wouldn't worry about it too much with the precautions you're taking
Thank you, yes the rooms have doors so I will take your advice on the tarps. Thank you.
I FREAK OUT about any and all kinds of fumes around my fish. Tobacco smoke, those plug in air fresheners, even spray cooking oil. All of those things are atomized down to the Nth degree and any that your air pump don’t directly inject settles on the surface. Those fumes stay airborne for hours and settle slowly. Death from above.

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