Bio Wheels

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Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
for those of you that use bio wheels,
what are your thoughts on them?
how would you rate their efficiancy out or 10
(1 being rubbish, 10 being the top banana)?

I ask because I'm considering getting one
like this

Note for non-UK members
as far as I can tell this is the only one available over here,
so please don't say get a different make. I can't :p
Hi. I have and use a Penguin 350 on my 55 US gal tank. This particular model has 2 bio-wheels on it. I think the idea is a good one. The bacteria need oxygen so being rotated in and out of the water will certainly provide lots of oxygen while keeping them wet. I find that the motion of the wheels and the water moving over them makes more noise than other non-bio-wheel filters but it's not too bad. My tank is in my bedroom and i've come to get used to it. As far as they're being usefull i think they are/ can be to a certain extent. The bacteria need a place to grow. Usually the 2 most obvious places are the filter material, and the bio-wheels. The oxygen factor would suggest that they might do well on the wheels. In my opinion, there will only be enough bacteria present to support the amount and type of fish you have. There won't be any extra because there wouldn't be enough food (ammonia) present to keep them alive. So i think it reaches an equilibrium where fish = the needed amount of bacteria. I think that by having bio-wheels you might have way more surface area for bacteria than you really need, but more is better than less. So in short, go for it, they won't hurt.
I use an Emperor 400 by Marineland for one of my 55. I have had it for 8 years. I would rate it an 8. The tube that feeds water to the biowheels clog, the filter media are adequate, and the media tray needs to have a bigger capacity for more media options. With regular maintenace it has not failed on my yet. Keeps my water parameters near perfect.

I can't comment on the filter you have posted. I have never used it. I find it surprising that you don't have this filter available in your country.
for those of you that use bio wheels,
what are your thoughts on them?
how would you rate their efficiancy out or 10
(1 being rubbish, 10 being the top banana)?


I have used the Hydor Biowheels. Can I ask if you are going to use it in a planted tank? The unit is going to make the surface ripple a lot, because of the outlet that is at about twenty degrees. They can also be a little noisey aswell. Still, the claims about ammonia reduction are not unfounded, that they do very well. They also reduce surface film by loads. The range also includes a unit to fit directly onto the end of a canister filter, in three sizes. Depends on what you want from it really?

8 out of 10, a little noisey for me.


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