Bio wheel stopped? Try this


New Member
Apr 15, 2004
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I have a Penguin 125 bio-wheel that has never ran as smoothly as when it was new, until now.
The bio-wheel would slow down and eventually stop. I would do the maintenance that manufacturer suggests (clean the intake tube ,impeller and its housing, clean or replace the filter cartridge and lightly rinse the wheel its self) and after all of that work the wheel would slow and stop.
I was thinking of getting rid of it all together until I noticed that the bearing were actually touching the wheel and making a very faint rubbing/grinding noise. I took the wheel and bearing of the bracket and filed down the ends of the bearings (approximately 1/32nd on each) put the wheel and bearings on the bracket and placed them back on the filter housing.
Since doing so it has never stopped and only slows down when the water flow is impeded (clogged cartridge, intake tube, impeller or its housing ) it runs now like it did when I first got it.
For those of you with stopped or slowing down Penguin wheels I hope this helps, it might even work with the Emperor.

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