

Fish Addict
Apr 14, 2009
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Merseyside, UK
I have been reading up on Dwarf Puffers and one of the sites mentioned about a product called Bio-Spira, they basically say it is the best thing since sliced bread!!

On another forumn some one did a test and it cycled the tank within 5 days !!!

I would like to get some to expeiment with.
I have been reading up on Dwarf Puffers and one of the sites mentioned about a product called Bio-Spira, they basically say it is the best thing since sliced bread!!

On another forumn some one did a test and it cycled the tank within 5 days !!!

I would like to get some to expeiment with.

try this thread



I was just reading that thread, I hav emailed Dr Tim's to see if they have a UK stockist. It deffo sounds good.
Well, sounds like DocTim's been working on his contract agreements! Its funny to see the marketing types get going with a new product. Even with somebody as good as Tim I wouldn't put fish in there that fast but it will definately be interesting to see if his concoction can perhaps act somewhat like mature media. The test, as always, will be in whether 5ppm of ammonia could be dropped to zero ammonia and nitrite within 12 hours after a filter has been seeded with the product.

Technically, the thing of course that makes one skeptical is that its not just the "presence" of Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira in these biofilters, its the establishment of healthy biofilms in which the bacteria can mature and reproduce and be anchored in a tough manner. As a scientist with plenty of bacteriology background, you can bet that Hovanec himself knows this, that there's got to be lag phase activity prior to growth phase quality.

Well, sounds like DocTim's been working on his contract agreements! Its funny to see the marketing types get going with a new product. Even with somebody as good as Tim I wouldn't put fish in there that fast but it will definately be interesting to see if his concoction can perhaps act somewhat like mature media. The test, as always, will be in whether 5ppm of ammonia could be dropped to zero ammonia and nitrite within 12 hours after a filter has been seeded with the product.

Technically, the thing of course that makes one skeptical is that its not just the "presence" of Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira in these biofilters, its the establishment of healthy biofilms in which the bacteria can mature and reproduce and be anchored in a tough manner. As a scientist with plenty of bacteriology background, you can bet that Hovanec himself knows this, that there's got to be lag phase activity prior to growth phase quality.


I suppose the ideal test would be to have 2 similar aquariums setup with same filters etc and put one with the product in and one without then add ammonia to both and measure. I m not sure if Dr Tims on and only is available in the uk, a quick search does not show anything up in the uk but I will wait until I get an email back from them, other than that I suppose I could do a test with the tetra product.

Hehe there's an excuse to get 2 more tanks!!!
i believe you do need to let the product work in the tank for a week before you add fish- despite what the label says, also doing tests to make sure it copes. I did quite a bit of research on this before opting to go for the 'natural' method...I kinda wish I had used it now...
The equivalent to Bio-spira in the Uk was Bactinettes, but i'm pretty sure this has been discontinued as it is seemingly no longer available?
i believe you do need to let the product work in the tank for a week before you add fish- despite what the label says, also doing tests to make sure it copes. I did quite a bit of research on this before opting to go for the 'natural' method...I kinda wish I had used it now...

Which product did you use?
Well, sounds like DocTim's been working on his contract agreements! Its funny to see the marketing types get going with a new product. Even with somebody as good as Tim I wouldn't put fish in there that fast but it will definately be interesting to see if his concoction can perhaps act somewhat like mature media. The test, as always, will be in whether 5ppm of ammonia could be dropped to zero ammonia and nitrite within 12 hours after a filter has been seeded with the product.

Technically, the thing of course that makes one skeptical is that its not just the "presence" of Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira in these biofilters, its the establishment of healthy biofilms in which the bacteria can mature and reproduce and be anchored in a tough manner. As a scientist with plenty of bacteriology background, you can bet that Hovanec himself knows this, that there's got to be lag phase activity prior to growth phase quality.


I suppose the ideal test would be to have 2 similar aquariums setup with same filters etc and put one with the product in and one without then add ammonia to both and measure. I m not sure if Dr Tims on and only is available in the uk, a quick search does not show anything up in the uk but I will wait until I get an email back from them, other than that I suppose I could do a test with the tetra product.

Hehe there's an excuse to get 2 more tanks!!!
Yes, multiple tanks is how all this stuff is looked at. In Hovanecs own papers you can read about the 7 identical big aquariums (or whatever) that were used figuring out the Nitrospira stuff. -wd-
Had an email back from them saying they are working on getting a UK distributor. So I will have to wait before I can do any testing.
in the end I did a Natural cycle, with ammonia...but I was talking about Tetra safe start.
I decided to get Tetra safestart off ebay 100ml's for about £7, for cycling my Juwel Rekord 600, cant get hold of any mature media so thought I'd give it a shot, but going to use it alongside the ammonia add and wait method, rather than add fish directly! did some googling and there was a good number of ppl who were quite happy with it so who knows! just want to speed up the process, as fishless cycling seems to take forever in many cases!! :(
I decided to get Tetra safestart off ebay 100ml's for about £7, for cycling my Juwel Rekord 600, cant get hold of any mature media so thought I'd give it a shot, but going to use it alongside the ammonia add and wait method, rather than add fish directly! did some googling and there was a good number of ppl who were quite happy with it so who knows! just want to speed up the process, as fishless cycling seems to take forever in many cases!! :(

It will be interesting to see your results posted. I am already cycling a tank using the fishless cycle method. I really want to try the Dr. Tim's All in one as I have read good things about it. But I need to see the results for my self.
I used Tetra Safe start and do not think it made a massive difference. It took over 2 weeks for Ammonia to be processed down to zero.

I would consider doing it again using more scientific method for assesment, ie multiple tanks to see what worked and what didnt.

Long and short of it is my tank still hasnt quite finished cycling and despite adding Tetra Safe Start, BioMature, Cycle and a small amount of "mature" media (Im not convinced it was that mature, it came from Pets at home so probably was just sponges that had only just been recently added or shown the tank).

Ive got some mature media and filter gunk from my LFS and hopefully these will kick the cycling over the finishing line this week.

I would say that it is worth getting your tank and filter up to temp and running for a day or so to clear out any dirt in the tank initially first, as in my case, I did it all on the same day, which may have meant the bacteria did not get the best start in the tank. I would also use raw ammonia from outset next time, as BioMature, whilst containing Ammonia etc, is perhaps not the best way to help promote the growth of the Tetra Safe Start bacteria.

If you are in the UK, I bought mine from a guy on eBay who sells his stuff at a very reasonable price and the items arrived within 15hours! As I did not get significant benefit from the product, I cannot really comment on whether his supply is a good batch though.


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