

Fish Crazy
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Preston, UK
I have heard that the new version of Bio-Spira no longer needs to be kept refrigerated.

So will this mean that we are going to see it in the UK soon?

I've sent them an email to ask so we will see.
I had not heard that. I have a problem with any bottled bacteria that isn't refrigerated. I doubt that the bacteria can survive the intense heat they encounter during shipping and storage in warehouses. Temperatures in trucks and warehouses (especially near the ceiling) can easily reach 120º or more.
If you look up Marineland Bio-Spira Website there is a disclosure that states "This is a live bacteria that is sold refridgerated and needs to be kept refridgerated until use."

I also had not heard there was a new version that doesn't require refridgeration. I would be very wary of buying any product that claims to contain live bacteria but then is subjected to severe temperature fluctuations. From there website it appears that Bio-spira is currently only available in the US and Canada.

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