Bio Gold


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton Bays, NY (Good Ground)
:eek: I am trying to figure out if I am starving my poor guys. I have a couple who actually jump up to grab my hand when I go to feed them which gives me the impression that they are hungry. Just how many pellets do you feed your fish at each feeding? It seems to take them just seconds to eat what I put in.
i give mine 3 pellets per meal, 2x/day (with some meals replaced by frozen foods or vegetables a few times/week)
How much do you put in,and are we talking the baby bites? If so, I feed around 10 pellets per fish.
FYI - bettas are ALWAYS hungry :rolleyes:
They'd eat 50 pellets if you put them in, I'm pretty sure. BUT DON'T do that.

I give my boys each 3 pellets (Aqua Culture Betta Food) each morning, then a few more pellets in the evening. I drop one pellet in at a time to make sure they get it and can crunch it up before going on to the next one. They get some freeze dried bloodworms every few days, also - just a few.
At the moment I have no bettas. :( But I fed my guy 4-5 pellets a day. The last year or so when he was really old, I fed him only 2-3 pellets a day.
i feed mine 4-6 pellets a meal, 2x per day, depending upon if they eat all of them or or not. if they eat all 4 in a few seconds i add 1-2 more. i substitute frozen brine shrimp 1x per day every few days or so. one of my bettas refuses bio pellets so he eats flakes.

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