Biiiiiig Problem


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Tamworth, Midlands, UK

Well i thought things were going too good to be true with my nano, i was away for last night and today and when i returned home my clown had jumped into the back and got sucked up by the powerhead, this of course had restricted my flow for however long he had been in there.

I just took a nitrate reading quickly, its at 60-80ppm, i dont have enough RO water to do a water change (bad preperation i know) and all of the LFS are shut until tomorrow morning. Is there anything else i can use for a water change? mineral water from a supermarket?

My leather has closed up and my closed brain looks a little unhealthy, tank crashes suck :-(

Got a 24 hour store? I would go and pick up some distilled water. It is just as good as RO.

Hope you have some salt.
Got a 24 hour store? I would go and pick up some distilled water. It is just as good as RO.

Hope you have some salt.

Yep, just got some De-ionised water from halfords that they use for car batterys (distilled) thankfully i have pleanty of salt.
Cram as many powerheads as you can fit into the saltmixing bucket to try and get it all mixed up quickly
Ok, been a few hours since i did a 40-50% water change with distilled water, stats:

Temp - 78
SG - 1.023
Ammonia - 0ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - 20ppm

Considering the nitrate was about 60-80 earlier i dont think thats too bad, going to get some RO water tomorrow morning and do another (smaller) water change to hopefully bring the nirtates down to about 10ppm.

My finger leather looks healthier (lights are off now) and i can see the tentacles that normally come out of my brain coming out like they usually do at night so hopefully everyone is O.K, though we will see tomorrow morning i suppose.

Bit gutted about my clown, he was my first saltwater fish and was always lively and entertaining :-(

Goodnight guys.

Sorry about your problems. Glad to hear it's being sorted out. If you didn't know, if you live in wal-mart the green label water jugs are RO, it says on the label also.
Being from the UK he might live a few thousand miles from the nearest walmart ;)

Glad to hear thigns are sorting out Andy

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