Bigtime cloudy water problem!


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada!
My tank finally cycled, with fish, and it still took a month. Now right after it finished I bought another filter, being an Aqauclear 300. When I added it, the water all of a sudden became very cloudy, and I can only see about 3/4 of a foot into the tank, its very very murky. I dont know why it would do this, and I have 4 silver dollars in there right now. This is so annoying, as i was really excited it was done cycling, and now i still cant put any fish in until its cot cloudy anymore! Can anyone tell me why this happened or how to fix it?

P.S. I also moved a piece of driftwood to a different place, stirring up the gravel, and possibly some of the beneficial bacteria in it, could this be the problem?
i had that problem too and i bought somthing called "algea destroyer" from petsmart. i put the stuff in and in 6 hours the water was crystal clear again. you might want to try that stuff.
Did it have an amonia bag because that can do it sometimes 8)

Daveo :flex:
did you buy the algae destroyer in tablets or liquid???
because my water is super cloudy and green i have had this probelm for about 1 1/2 months i have bought the algae destroyer liquid and tablets but nothing works... i do water changes like everyother day but it seems to come back... its not in direct sunlight and i rarely keep the floursecent light on for a long time....
IT SUX :crazy:
What sort oof a haze is it? is it green or is it grey? if its kinda grey it could very well be a bacterial bloom. This isn't uncommon in new tanks. It occurs because the bacterial population of the tank is not in balance with the level of waste nutrients. It usually sorts itself out. Do regular water changes and don't overfeed.
If the filter can not pick up all the stuff that make it cloudy, buy this one chemical thing called like accu-clear with a lil thing on it. It works great for my tank, and it isnt pricy like 3 bux or so. :thumbs:
listen to k-holed and dont buy any of these products people are recommending.
ive used this proquatics water clarifier stuff, it doesnt work at all. so im just going to leave it be, the tank was clear at one time anyways, before i put the filter in and moved the wood. It is a grayish white color, its not algae.

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