Biggest Fish


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
How big is the biggest fish you have ever owned/own.. I would love to see some pictures.. Just trying to ammuse myself.. Thanks.
That would have been my kissing gourami when I was a youngster. And even that wasn't that enormous. Not really a big fish person.
Atm my biggest is my female peppered cory, c 3 inches, very good-looking lady. Am looking to to get some pearl gouramis and bristlenoses for my next tank but wasn't really planning to go bigger than that.
My goldfish they are big.
I had a Chinese Algae Eater that got to about 8 inches long before he died. He was an awesome fish. I hope the new one I have gets that big!
The biggest was my 2' Boulengerochromis microlepis. They have the potential to grow to 3 feet. Known to be the largest cichlid in the world.

The species that I have kept that had the potential to get the biggest was my Arapaima gigas ( can get to 8'+ ), alligator gar ( another that can get to 8'+ ), and red tail catfish.

Other fish worth mentioning are Cichla temensis and Cichla orinocensis. The C. temensis can grow to 3' and C. orinocensis a bit smaller.
Mine would have to between two:

For length - Siberian Sterlet 18"

For body mass - Mirror Carp 17" long x 9" deep x 4" wide

Biggest fish is my maroon shark which is 7 inches.

Very peaceful fish. Also known as cigar fish, pink tailed shark + a couple of other names :S
Biggest Ever - Either my 15" bala shark or my 14" scat
Biggest Current - Common Pleco about 6"
Biggest Potential - Black Ghost Knife 2'

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