Bigger tank!


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I just purchased a 30 gal tank and was wondering what would be the best way to transfer everything over from my 10 gal. I also have a quarantine 10 gal thats been running for a while. I don't want to have to go through the cyclying again. My idea was to move the fish into the quarantine tank and then take the water and gravel out of my main tank and put it in the new tank, then fill the rest of it with water. Will this make my new tank cycled and ready for the fish since I'm just transfering my filter over to the new tank? Sorry if I sound confused. Any help would be appreciated.

If you aren't adding fish, that will do just fine. You won't need to cycle the new tank. Just go slowly if adding more fish later, and keep track of your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
BTW, congrats on the new tank! Are you adding some Tetras or Danios to make proper shoals? I have 11 Danios in a 50 gallon.
Streetracer said:
BTW, congrats on the new tank! Are you adding some Tetras or Danios to make proper shoals? I have 11 Danios in a 50 gallon.
Thanks for your help. I'd hate to have to start the cycle all over again. I'm pretty excited. I'm going to add some Lemon Tetras and probably some Danios later on. With the bigger tank, it gives me the freedom to add some bigger fish also. I would really like to add a shoal of Tiger barbs. I know that they can get aggressive, but I just love the way they look. I think if I get at least 6 of them, that should take away some of the aggression. :D

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