i have a 46, and i want bigger fish.
i have all my small fish that i want, 3 cories, 4 platies, 3 otos, and 3 rummynose tetras.
ill probably get a fwe more rummy's when the store gets more, and maybe 1 more cory, but i want larger fish.
at least 2-3
i have an angel right now, which is nice,
what else could i get? any ideas please
i have all my small fish that i want, 3 cories, 4 platies, 3 otos, and 3 rummynose tetras.
ill probably get a fwe more rummy's when the store gets more, and maybe 1 more cory, but i want larger fish.
at least 2-3
i have an angel right now, which is nice,
what else could i get? any ideas please