bigger fish


Oct 9, 2003
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i have a 46, and i want bigger fish.

i have all my small fish that i want, 3 cories, 4 platies, 3 otos, and 3 rummynose tetras.

ill probably get a fwe more rummy's when the store gets more, and maybe 1 more cory, but i want larger fish.

at least 2-3

i have an angel right now, which is nice,

what else could i get? any ideas please
maybe a few more angel, get a breeding pair if your lucky
What's your water like? If you have hard water with high pH like I do, how about African Cichlids? Some stay away from them because they are somewhat aggressive and territorial. There are many colorful varieties that get around 4 - 5".
heresmike said:
What's your water like? If you have hard water with high pH like I do, how about African Cichlids? Some stay away from them because they are somewhat aggressive and territorial. There are many colorful varieties that get around 4 - 5".
He's got a fairly peaceful tank right now. Why throw the balance all off with more aggressive fish?

I agree, however, that a second angel would make a lot of sense. They just sort of belong in pairs.

A Severum would be cool, but you could really only have one.

How about 3 Blue Acara?
Whoops! Silly me! Read that to mean he had those fish in a tank other than the 46 gallon. :*)

In that case... how about a few Congo Tetras ... they get to about 3". Or rainbow fish... there are lots of nice varieties that get to around 3 - 4".
I think your tank size kind of limits you to under 6" fish? :/

I would suggest the Blood Parrot, in my sig., but there are MANY things you'd need to know before you bought one............I could help you with that.

The one thing about them is that it is VERY difficult to find ones that AREN'T dyed and I would hate for you to run right out and buy a dyed one.....that is a BIG NO NO :unsure: :oh: !!! They get about 6" at maturity and are a real BLAST to have in a communtiy tank.

PM me if you want to know more!!!

Good luck to you,
I didn' want to mention the Silver Dollars because they are definitley NOT for everyone. If you want "show" fish or ambitious fish these aren't for you. But if you don't mind having lots of plants and dim lighting and dark "boaring" substrate and if walking really slow around the fish tank, as to not startle them, doesn't bother you then I'd think about it ;).

I also wouldn't put them with any "nippy" fish that would stress them out even more than they already are or with any cichlids that might chase them around..............also, you need to have more than 2 so that's something to think about as well. Your option of getting more fish some day would probably be out of the picture because adding 3 Silver Dollars, or more, to your existing tank would be tops on the stocking scale unless you got rid of some.


Sorry to hijack the thread for a second but silver dollars are not always skittish and shy, if you have enough of them they are just as bold and active as any other fish. I have 6 growing out in a unplanted 40g with some moderately aggressive medium sized fish (2 leporanis, 2 pike cichlids and a florida garfish amongst others) and they are not shy at all, when i stick my hand in the tank to attach the lettuce grip to the rear wall they nibble on my arm and they dont even hide when our 6 year old is charging about the room like a bull elephant.

Right back to the topic, the key to thing to remember here is that most larger fish will eat smaller fish such as tetras and ottos so choose new tankmates carefully, Blue acaras grow to around 6 to 8" and like almost all cichlids will eat smaller fish. A second angel would be a nice addition but the original angel may not accept another angel being introduced into its territory at first, it would be best to add 3 and once the original one has accepted them and/or paired up with one return the two extra ones to the shop, this will prevent any aggression from being focused on just one fish. Other choices would be 2 or 3 medium sized peaceful catfish such as Hoplosternum or Dianema species or a small group of rainbow fish such as Glossolepis incisus or Melanotaenia boesemani both of which are pretty common and grow to at least 4". seem to be luckier then most SD owners. :/ I wish mine would act that way. I've had the larger ones since they were about 6 months old and the younger ones since they were babies. The younger ones seem to be a LOT better than the ones that weren't babies when I got them. I mean, one of the bigger ones is SO bad that if I so much as crouch down to watch my fish he will start to get stressed and dart into the sides of the tank (he already had one accident with his nose once on a rock now no more rocks in the tank :sly: ) and he will start MAJORLY gasping for air, you know how fish do when they are a little stressed. But when he does it it is like he literally CAN'T breath and is dying :lol: . I do feel bad for him/her but I've tried to make the tank a nice home for Silvers and the rest is up to him :alien: .

I was just giving advice as I know it, as were you ;) . But truly, most people I know have experienced the same behavior. You are lucky my friend :p

Although, I do think that getting SDs when they are very young, babies preferably, is one of the keys to having good SDs.


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