big tanks


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
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I was wonderring what size of tank do you stop doing 25% weekly water changes

right now i have a 90 gal so thats just under 25 gal a week but were thinking of

upgrading size to a 500+ maybe even a 1000+ and it seem like those water

changes whould be a full time job not to mention the cost of all that salt and water

if any has experance with tanks like that any advise would be gracisoly acccepted


after seaing those huge tank in hotels me and my wife have always wanted one

we would even concider hiring a specailst if we could find one (weve looked)

out local fish store is good but realy does deal in tanks over 200 gal


fish are the love of me and my wife
You should do partial water changes regardless of the size of your tank. Large tank owners generally have water change hoses plumbed in for the purpose.
Sorry I can't help on this matter but holy **** thats gonna be MASSIVE tank, I think you'll have a lot of envious people :p :p :hyper: :hyper:
Are we talking about a marine tank here?

I know a few people who have large marine set ups (300 gallons plus) who say they only ever add water to top up after evapouration. If the tank is balanced out properly with a good movement of water through various filtration stages and has a large ammount of live rock then i see no need for water changes anymore often than once every 2 to 3 months.

Note: This would require thousands of pounds/dollars of specialist equipment and a very large tank with low stocking levels and should only be attempted by very experienced fish keepers.
For the rest of us mere mortals who do not have unlimited funds and tanks the size of small oceans we will have to keep up the weekly 25% waterchanges.
Large tanks are always more stable than small, you can adjust your changes by checking your water parameters. If you freshwater, well planted, and a understocked, you may never need to do regular water changes, you can establish a closed eco-system, (not really practical in small tanks).

You mention salt - if you are talking marine, then you need to make up evaporation loss, with distilled or good RO water, but otherwise, the same applies.

>>> fish are the love of me and my wife

Interested in selling the wife? :lol: :lol: :lol:
they dont sell tanks that big , you either make them or pay some on else to do it for you. the biggest most companys make is a 300 some go up to 400 but rarley over and i was looking a 300 alone just for the tank is over 400 bucks, but yeah most tanks that size have a built in system to do water changes , some even recycle the water and re use it
Hate to argue but companies indeed make tanks that big. As far as your run of the mill store then no they wont have any. Do a search on google and youll come across several companies that specialize in large tanks made from acrylic.
they dont sell tanks that big , you either make them or pay some on else to do it for you.


Yes they do. There's quite a few companies that make 300g+.

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