Big Question


Fish Fanatic
May 20, 2005
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Hey, i just want to get a few things clear -

What fish go with what?

Electric Yellows
Electric Blues ( fryeri )
sp. Hongi
Dimis Compressiceps
Sunshine peacock
stevenii peacock - Aulonocara steveni
sulfur crested lithobates
red fin kadango
red zebra
pseudotropehus elongatus mpanga
cobalt blues
bristlenose catfish
Kissing gourami
Lionhead/ blockhead/ buffalo Cichlid - Steatocranus casuarius

Can someone please put these fish in categories please? Also, can somebody please give me an idea of what these setups should have and look like -

*Lake Malawi
*Lake Tanganyika

Most information would be greatly appreciated.

Please, any information would be great.

hmm i wish i knew more about your selections. All I can tell you is to look in the fish forums fish index. you should be able to find a good number of those in there. I'll give you a link if you can't find it. If I don't respond then PM me because I probably forgot about your thread.
Here's a link to our fish index:
You can read more about many of the fish in your list.

You have quite the list there. Some of those cichlids are Africans, some are New World. Take a look around those two sections of both the index and the forum for more information, and post if you have specific questions on certain African or New World species. I'd list them by category for you, but there are a few there that I'm not certain about, best leave that to the forum's cichlid experts. But hopefully I can help point you in the right directions.

As for the two set ups you asked about, those are both African set ups, you may find it helpful to read more in the African Cichlids section and post your specific set up questions there.
Yeah that's a bit of a large question. You need to search some info in the Fish Index; Also try and go under fish, select the type of fish and then there should be a menu for a chart that allows you to see some other possible tankmates.

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