Big problems!! Two dead mollies!!

Jul 10, 2004
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I am having big problems recently with my tank. I had 3 mollies and a siamese fighter in my tank. All of the fish developed whitespot which was treated and 2 of the fish seemed fine after that. But the other 2 (2 of my mollies) seemed to get get worse. A couple of days ago they developed white blotches over their body and their eyes got a weird filmy thing over their eyes, they also had these strange white growthy things on their eyes. And then I found them both dead yesterday morning. I knew they were sick and was trying to find out what was wrong with them but they died before I could find out what it was a treat them. My 2 other fish that I have left seemed fine yesterday. But this morning, I looked in the tank and my mollie that I have left, now also has a white kinda growth/blob thing just on the edge on the top of his eye. Can someone PLEASE help me. I don't want to lose this fish as well.
i would probably take the fish to the lfs and see if they can tell you what it is, so you can get medication for it. i would keep watch on the other fish you have in there since what ever this is could be contagious. i hope you find out what it is and your fish survives
please don't rely on this as i'm no expert but learning pretty quickly.

take a look at

it has an interactive chart for disease diagnosis, click the cloudy eyes part and it looks like you may have found your answer.

keep me posted i'd love to have solved someone elses problem's even if i'm not having any luck with my own...

Good Luck B)

Are they black mollies. If they are I had the same problem and found that, as they like 'brackish' water I added a very small amount of aquarium salt to the water, approximately 6 weeks ago and they have looked beautiful ever since. It only took a couple of days for them to get back to normal.

The only problem is that if your other fish don't tolerate any salt it would be better to treat the mollies separately.

Hope this is helpful.

I will just clarify what was wrong with my black mollies - they changed from pure black to what looked liked 'mould' patches on their bodies. They had little white bits attached to the top of their eyes and slightly cloudy eyes.

I hope they get better soon.

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