Big Plecs And Lfs's.


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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I was thinking about this.

When someone pops up and does the "Hi, I just bought a 20g and I have a common plec..." etc routine, why do we always tell them to take it back to the local fish shop?

Presumably, they are the ones that sold it to them in the first place, and they don't give a flying what size tank the plec goes in to as long as someone buys it. They sold it to the current owner without saying "how big is your tank?" or "do you know this is going to get big enough to need it's own single bed?" - so why do we assume they are going to house it correctly the next time? It'll just get sold to the next person with 3.50 to spend.

Maybe we should spend more time trying to convince the current owner to get it a decent sized tank, since they now have a vested interest in it and might already have grown fond enough of it to care about it's future?


No easy answer I suppose.
I was thinking about this.

When someone pops up and does the "Hi, I just bought a 20g and I have a common plec..." etc routine, why do we always tell them to take it back to the local fish shop?

Presumably, they are the ones that sold it to them in the first place, and they don't give a flying what size tank the plec goes in to as long as someone buys it. They sold it to the current owner without saying "how big is your tank?" or "do you know this is going to get big enough to need it's own single bed?" - so why do we assume they are going to house it correctly the next time? It'll just get sold to the next person with 3.50 to spend.

Maybe we should spend more time trying to convince the current owner to get it a decent sized tank, since they now have a vested interest in it and might already have grown fond enough of it to care about it's future?


No easy answer I suppose.

All very valid comments and agree the last one in particular - I suppose the only downside to your suggestion is that the procession of people bringing plecs back to the store may eventually lead to the stores being a bit less keen to sell plecs to all and sundry?

Then again, if the folks bringing fish back then get sent home with a new tank anyway the LFS has built a nice little profit stream eh?

Plus people with larger tanks with a heart to take on larger returned fish (though I tend to do so for balas and Chalceus) are liekly to see the fish in a lfs large holding tank (the first I look to upon entering).

If someone left their balas (to continue the likelihood of my involvement) in their 30 gallon tank then I would not know they were there.

Because someone returned their 3 balas to the lfs when they got too large, I saw them, and they now have a 6x2x2 tank to live out in.

Though I admit, it can be swings and roundabouts:

The Swallows in Rayleigh has a 2.5 foot Red Tail Cat in a tank too small for it but if they ever get any 2" kittens in they never refer you to the monster, but just mention they grow "V. large". No reference to the fact they can get as large as the thing around the corner which itself could be less than half grown...
I used to work at my LFS and we would take the over grown Plecs and other fish off people's hands, even ones we didn't sell them, and usually someone with a large tank or pond would come by and buy them. Sometimes people need a large plec over the smaller ones and as some people want smaller plecs for their tanks, it works out in a sense.

Someone owns the small plec until it outgrows them, they take it back to the shop, someone who needs a bigger plec comes in and buys it.
Someone owns the small plec until it outgrows them, they take it back to the shop, someone who needs a bigger plec comes in and buys it.

... and the LFS gets to sell the same fish twice!

Fish rental - that's my next business - you heard it here first! :hey:
That is basically the deal. Not only do they sell it twice, but they sell a "used" fish for more money than when it was "new" too. :lol:
Well, it is hard to find small plecs that don't grow over 6-8" in LFSes. Common plecs are more abundant so you can buy them small. I have yet to see any plec that stays under 6"-8" that isn't already 5"+ being sold at my LFS. Plus they cost around $50 USD. That tiny 2" common plec is $3.50. :)

I'm still wondering what to do with my common plec in my 30 gal(US). Its currently 3" and fiercely defends any algea tablet I drop in to my tank from the Angelfish. However I've stopped feeding it the tablets as it seems to have a deadly sideeffect on my Angels. They eat it, few days later it bloats and meets my toilet.

My parents won't let me take it back to the LFS. Something about abandoning a fish. :blink: I guess we'll just be forced to get a new tank once the plec gets bigger.

I'd love to find a 1-3" plec that won't overgrow my tank.
Bristlenoses and Rubberlips are two commonly sold plecs that stay under 5" in length. They're not too hard to find and my LFS prices them similarly to the same sized Common plecs.
Bristlenoses and Rubberlips are two commonly sold plecs that stay under 5" in length. They're not too hard to find and my LFS prices them similarly to the same sized Common plecs.

Well, if anybody that lives around me can direct me to a LFS that sells them, it'd be great!
This was exactly the situation i found myself in. the lfs where i brought my first tank (viaqua 620 91 litres) put my cabinet together gave me all the right info concerning a fishless cycle, but then sold me two plecs & two sucking loaches at the time being new to fish keeping you trust the advice of a lfs & wouldn't think they would sell you fish unsuitable for your tank. i think some lfs take a gamble that you will be back for a bigger tank when the fish start getting too big for the tank. If like me, you don't imagine at first you could take fish back.
Well sadly it's mostly those with no experience (beginners) buying these mini mosters. Yes they should do their research, but don't stop to think that the lfs might sell them something entirely unsuitable - or question the high stocking levels "advised".
Beginners do not usually have the guts to start off with a 100 gallon tank. Neither the money. And then space is another issue. It's easy to plonk a 10 or 20 gallon on a spare desk - not quite so easy with a 100 gallon :/
I know exactly what every body is talking about.

My first tank, a 28 Litre. I knew nothing about fish, and trusted everything the LFS said.

I always asked the person selling the fish "How would this go in a 28L tank?" They would say "It would be ok, they wont grow very big in a smaller tank."

And what fish did i buy? 2 Black Ghost Knifes, 2 Severems, elephant nose, angels, gouramis, bristlenoses, a goldfish and more (not ALL at once, as some died, some were replaced etc.) As you can see, a lot of $ were wasted. Particularly on the elephant nose!!

After one of the severems killed almost everything except the Ghost knifes and bristlenoses, back to the shop they went. for a 50% refund!!

Who would have knew that not only are these fish not compatible with each other, but most of these fish need a tank about 15 times the size of the puny 28 Litre tank i had!!

Well i guess i learned. and i ended up buying a 4'x2x2 tank (but not from the LFS which sold me the severems, BGK's, Elephant nose). I still go to that LFS, as it has the widest selection, is closest to my house, has the cheapest prices and has very clean tanks. I just dont ask their advice, i do my own research, and i just tell them which fish i want.

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