Big Fish Eat Little Fish


Jan 8, 2008
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i didnt know where to put this, and I figured since the Mayan is an American cichlid, I might as well put it here. I brought home more than 100 "feeders" that I collected yesterday and the cichlids were having a ball, the jaguars ended up looking like 9month old pregnant.

during the feeding frenzy my better half was snapping pictures like crazy, trying to capture it all. unfortunately our little camera sucks it's difficult to catch these things in focus.

anyways, here you go:

It's a great picture but I have to agree, with the quality foodstuffs available now feeding live fish is largely unnecessary for most fish. Not to mention quite unhealthy for your fish.
I don't believe in feeding feeder fish to other fish, I think it's cruel.
the way he posted it makes me think he doesnt feed them like this all the time. you could argue that feeding live bloodworms, mosquito larvae etc. is cruel too. lets not have double standards ppl
i dont see how feeding fish to fish is any more cruel than keeping fish "prisoners" in an aquarium.

these fish are normally eaten in the wild by my fish. i collected both of them in the canals here.
as a matter of fact, while i was collecting these "feeders," i watched otheer fish eating them.
so it's not cruel, it's just nature.

i feed my fish a very good diet...and this is just to compliment it.


EDIT: these aren't endler's livebearers, they are Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki), which are said to be very nutritional due to their own nutrition...
This wasn't a debate about whether it is right or wrong, the OP is simply sharing pictures am I right?.

Anyway, cool picture, your wife must have a very quick trigger finger to capture that :).
Pictures awsome , poor fishy getting eaten like but like you said in the wild they get eaten by larger fish anyhows.
It's natural... Cheetas are going to attack gazzell for food in the wild. C'mon!! We eat hamburgers! We have to SLAUGHTER the cow. And then we EAT the cow... It's nothing different in my mind. It is just something mother nature brings along. :good:

On the note of the picture, I think its funny! Lol, great photo, IMO! :)
Natural or not, a Cat in the Wild would kill another cat and eat it.....would you feed a domestic cat to another domestic cat?

They are pets at the end of the day, and we are hobbyist's ...anyone who does this is in it for kicks.
sweet picture. reminds me of that advert for soup where the blue thing gives the person a hug.

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