Big Community Fish


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
What are some of the biggest non-aggressive fish out there? Like say I had a 100 gallon, but wanted to make it a community tank rather than aggressive, what would be some good stocking options?
clown loaches can get to a good size and they are a social of my clowns has actually became good friends with one of my kribs.

Dont have to be giant boring (even though i like them) common plecs, have a look at some L numbers, quite a few stay rather small but look beautiful! :good:

When i say small they are still around 6" so big enough to be noticed
i have to admit i don't think i'd have a tank without some kind of plec.
same here now. Love them!!

My centre piece fish is my L018 plec, always out and stands out so much. Although when my L134 grows a bit im sure he will turn a couple of heads too!

Like dnn3 said 4 or 5 clownloach would go down well too as they are great to watch and grow a decent size (well huge eventually!)
Yeah I have a plec, one of the Chocolate types, so hes more on the brown side than the black common ones. Hes going to look awesome when he gets bigger I think. I also have a couple of Angels and Firemouth right now. I was thinking of a Black Ghost Knife......but I don't know. They're like $20 and it seems like all they do is hide, so I'm sorta hesitant on them. Then I was thinking of a Blood Parrot, but from what I read they will probably beat up on the Angels. I have a lot of experience dealing with aggressive fish and mixing them all sorts of ways, but I got tired of that and finally want a nice peaceful community where I have lots of options and don't have to constantly worry about a bloodbath occurring! Thanks for the ideas so far! Keep them coming!
i would pass on the Ghost because hell eventualy get big enough to slowly over a period of nights, eat your smaller shoaling fish.

i think, as long as your firemouth is peaceful, some large angel fish would look great. youve already got some and i dont know much about them but i recently saw a pic of a very big black one. do you just let them grow out or what? i think 3 or 4 of those would look stunning, as you wanted a community tank.

some kind of shark is doable as long as you get him when hes smaller than your other fish. by the time he grows the others will be up to size.

an african butterfly fish would do ok if you have a peacefull community set up.

its neat to not only have a centerpiece fish...but a centerpeice at each level of the aquarium. since youre talking about 100 gallons, there are sooo many options. i love when i have a new tank and all new stock to add!!

also this is very random....

i would say green terrors, but i dont think they get that big? also...since ive posted my first post here ive never come across a thread about them!! lol back in the day they seemed so popular. sure they wouldnt fancy your wishes
I like rainbow cichlids as a large community fish. They are basically vegetarians, will eat up any duckweed in the tank in short order, but get quite large at about 5 inches long.
Just how large are you thinking? Some larger than usual community fish might also include some of the larger barbs (clown, arulius, spanner), silver dollars and silver/bala sharks. Some reasonably non-aggressive cichlids include the rainbow and angels as mentioned, acaras, festivum, keyhole. Firemouths possibly, individual temperaments vary. Alot of the commonly kept brackish water species grow fairly large if you want to go down that path.
I think it'd be cool if you stuck with a South American theme or something. You could have a bunch of Discus, and maybe 2 or 3 pairs of Apistogramma species. Then you could have 1 or 2 large schools of tetras. I think it'd be simple, but very beautiful.
a shoal of silver dollars. they look great in a shoal. I hae nine of about 4-5 inches and they look great at feeding time, they would compliment the clown loaches
silver dollars i agree on look great also act as dither fish i believe? silver sharks, or discus are also awesome fish. i think blue acaras and salvinis can be peaceful within reason.

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