Big Cats And Little Fish?


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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may seem a silly question but my cats are really laid back and never go up very high, so im wondering if i can keep any small fish in with them?

im not sure what the cats are but a couple are biggish
i believe one is a hopolo male, one is a featherfin? a silver fast thing (pictus something?) and one no one on here could id for me!





they are currently in with oscars but unfortunatly due to fighting it looks like i have to move the oscars to another tank or rehome them.

so i'm thinking this tank will look bare with just bottom dwellers in there.

I'd say you will have problems with the pim (looks like pimelodus blochii) - these will definitely take small fish.
The others should not pose a problem. The fish in pics 2 and 3 looks like a Synodontis brichardi, but the markings look wrong - it could be a hybrid where brichardi is on of the parents, but I can't say I have seen any like this before. It looks also similar to Microsynodontis batesii, but looks too big as these only get to 3.3". If you can get a better picture of the fish, I'm sure it can be ID'd.
it depends what you class as small fish really doesn't it, as above really small fish like neon tetras etc may get eaten but if you went for slightly larger community fish (say around the 3" mark) i wouldn't expect you to have any problems.

It's such a lovely big tank you could have a really beautiful display of some of the large community fish which are all too often crowded into tanks too small for them to really thrive.

I'm thinking congo tetras, bosemani rainbows, dwarf cichlids etc

i'm gonna go and daydream about that tank now :D
add something like 6 tinfoils or 6 silver Dollars,
6 Giant Danios or Rainbows
1 Large Severum,
1 Festivum
martin, thats the best pic we can get of the fish, it hides for weeks at a time, we often think perhaps its dead and been eaten then we accidently disturb it when gravel cleaning and it changes its hiding place. it really is a beautiful fish but no one knows what it is!

miss wiggle - that was the bargin tank for £60!!

hmmmm it has so much potential eh?
General rule of thumb, if the catfish has long 'whiskers' then its preditorial and will eat smaller fish if its gets the chance.

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