Big Bully Fish


New Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Hiya, i posted earlier todat about my Orandas, the one that was "constipated" seems loads better after snacking on the greenery in the tank and some more freeze dried daphnia!!!! So all seems great there. :good: He has been swimming around all day, not been in his sulking corner once!!!

WRONG!!! :shout:

The calico coloured one is now madly chasing the orange and black one around the tank. And seems very interested in its rear end :blush: . I am sure i am being over protective of my fave fish.....are they play, trying to mate...or is this calico oranda a great white in disguise and a big bully......Help!!!!!
I recently moved my Black Moor into my newphews fish tank as it's much much larger and they were looking for a second fish. They've got a smaller fantail. Within an hour the fantil was frantically chasing the Black Moor around the tank non-stop. We checked back an hour later and the same was happening, and so on for the rest of the night. The Black Moor was getting stressed and we seperated them. The Black Moor is now on it's way back to me.

Is there a way around this or will it continue?

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