Big Bulgy Eyes - Problem?


New Member
Apr 12, 2006
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London, England
I've just been away for the weekend and left my dad looking after my fish. One of the zebra danios seems to have got bulgy eyes. Is this anything I should worry about? It seems to be swimming about fine but maybe not as active as it was.

Is this normal or should I start worrying?

What size is the tank?...what else is in?, most importantly what are your water stats?

Sounds like pop eye, in which case yes it would be something to worry about.
the tank's a 125litre. There are 5 black widow tetras and 2 more Zebra Danios in with it.

It seems to be hiding in a little corner of the tank as well. It's also got what seems like a red vein, very prominent on it's lower jaw.

Is pop eye contagious? Should I get a little tank to cure it?

My stats are

pH 8.0
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.8
Nitrate 7.5

All the other fish seem fine and are taking food.

Thanks for the reply
pH 8.0
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.8
Nitrate 7.5

pop eye is caused by poor water quality, as supported by your test results.
you can treat with melafix, but you need to sort out the NitrIte(NO2) and pH.

water changes will bring down the pH somewhat and I suggest finding
bactinettes to deal with the NO2 problem.
if you can't find bactinettes locally look for toxivec by Sera or Bacterlife by Waterlife products.

I had been performing 10% water changes frequently (every other day) and also 25% change weekly. Maybe just the lapse of no water changes when my dad was looking after them could have caused this?

pH has been dropping slowly (it was at 8.5) so I'm quite happy about that.

Should I be performing daily changes of 10%? Maybe even 25%?
I've done one already today, should I go for another?

Is there a chance that, with very frequent water changes, the pop eye will disappear? Or should I treat anyway?

I have already used bactinettes - (Schol I think).

Thankyou for your response
Should I be performing daily changes of 10%? Maybe even 25%?
I've done one already today, should I go for another?
no just stick to daily changes of 10%

Is there a chance that, with very frequent water changes, the pop eye will disappear? Or should I treat anyway?
yes every chance.

I have already used bactinettes - (Schol I think).

maybe the bactinettes you were sold were off, we have had a problem with the air pump in our machine at work and without a good air supply the bacteria die off.
try them again but ask the lfs if they have had any trouble with the air supply first.
and yes they are supplied by Scholl
fantastic thankyou. :good:

I was very sceptical when I started with the bactinettes - I didn't notice any drop in NO2. Hmmm. Maybe I'll try somewhere else, there're a few places that sell them locally.

Fingers crossed, I'll be able to get this cured without any remedy. I'll get on with the changes daily and get new bacteria. Hope it does the trick :(
I had a pearl danio with pop eye from a fighting injury. I used melafix and cleared it up in a few days no problem, without having to remove the fish from the tank. if you do need to use a medicine maybe give it a go? i'd use it again!
Unfortunately, I came home last night to find the ill Danio had died. :-( :rip:

Thanks for your help, I will still continue with changes to the water and bacteria to ensure the health of the other fish.

Pretty gutting - it's my first death and feel pretty cut up about it.

From the shop the ill danio had broken stripes which I've read is the sign of a not-so-healthy danio. Maybe it was just a bit too ill to cope with the conditions. At least it had a nice big tank before it died :/
Oh no! thats really sad. Its upsetting when fish die, I lost fish for the first time a few weeks ago and even when you've done your best its miserable. But like you said, you did give him a happy life for a while - all the food you can eat, no predators, nice and warm ... hmmm... maybe next time I'll be a fish.

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