Big Barbs

I've seen some Spanner Barbs around recently - but I don't think they get as big as Tinfoils - and the sepcimens I've seen have been quite small (I bet a lot of them have ended up in 10 gal tanks :crazy: ). Guess it all depends how big the Oscar is. The Spanners can certainly swim fast.
some that spring to mind are

the so called 'Goldfin tinfoil barb' Poropuntius malcolmi 50 cm
the so called 'Red tailed tinfoil barb' Barbonymus altus 20cm
Pale Barb Hypsibarbus wetmorei 25 cm
hampala barb Hampala macrolepidota MAX Size: > 6.5 kg - 70 cm, so proberbly not suited to all but massive tanks

size wise proberbly ok but surviving the oscars aggression is another matter.
Put a Black Shark in with him:) He'll get bigger than your Oscar:)
black sharks Morulius chrysophekadion are nasty aggressive killers
especially from 6" onwards
trust me I have a 7" monster that has killed all my barillius and yoyo loaches
he is going to a new home soon.
adults reach 2ft in length and are not gonna put up with anything
especially territory issues from a weakling oscar.
Ive got an adult black shark he's around 21in and has killed a fare few fish during his years but he will share a tank with certain fish you just have to choose them wisley.On the subject of big barbs why not try cigar sharks/mad barbs they grow big and are very easy to keep plus there a great looking fish.

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