big and small Polypterus together?


Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
i'm planning on having quite a few polypterus in my new tank.

although will the larger Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri that grows to 30" eat smaller ones like Polypterus palmas
Bichirs like most predatory fish will eat anything that fits into their mouth and in the case of bichirs that means anything under about one third their own size. As long as the smaller bichirs are at least 10 inches long before you add the larger species then they will not be viewed as lunch.
excellent, although is my tank big enough for the Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri as i knoqw before you said i should be lookin at 24" fish, do eels and species alike not fall under that...???

oh and what size do tyre tack eels grow to?
Urm freindly!!!

just done a tad of research and that congicus gets to 39" although the lapradei gets to 30".

it doesn't aactually say what size the fish were though. althou they both seemed quite large :/
Urm freindly!!!

just done a tad of research and that congicus gets to 39" although the lapradei gets to 30".

it doesn't aactually say what size the fish were though. althou they both seemed quite large
A congicus will get quite huge, although laps usually max out at 2 feet.
Anyways, the congicus in the pic was definitely larger than the lap. I wouldn't put a 2 incher in with a 6 incher... or a 12 incher in with a 4 incher. I think you'd be safe if your smallest bicher was at least 2/3 the size of your largest bicher.
right not sure if i should go for the endlicheri then as it's going to outgrow everything else.
right not sure if i should go for the endlicheri then as it's going to outgrow everything else.
What size tank? and what are the dimensions? Remember that bichirs don't need as much turn around room as other fish.

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