

Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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hi, does the ph really matter with senegul bichir mine is quite high. He'll be in a 30 gal tank can any other tankmates be housed wit him?
How high is "quite high"? The bichir will be able to cope with a pH of up to around 7.8 but anything above this is pushing it a little, if its over 8 forget it.

Senegalus is one of the smaller polypterus species so can be safely housed with fish that are over 3".
The water supply where i liven is around 7.4-7.8 and my tank is about 7.8 maybe lower. What can i had to lower the ph aswel?
Perky said:
Bogwood lowers Ph
only if you have lots of it and it is full of tannins.
you may have try and get it down you could use a bag of peat in the filter but in my opinion a stable ph is better than an unstable lower one.
my ph is around 7.3 and my delhezi does just fine.
ok myn is stable jst kinda high but i hear they can live in that. What u guys feed ur bichir??? i have no idea im bying one 2morrow is a albino and £25
sorry if m being pushy but i really need to no wot 2 feed a senegalus bichir any1 who has kept them and fed them wuld be a gr8 help by telling me
my delhezi eats sinking carnivore pellets and bits of prawns ot whitebait.
hi i got the bichir hes albino, but the store said feed him blood worms?? can i feed him frozen shrimp from the supermarket???
nick.w said:
hi i got the bichir hes albino, but the store said feed him blood worms?? can i feed him frozen shrimp from the supermarket???
yes if you cut it up for it then it should eat prawn.
Why not just buy frozen bloodworm from the fish store

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