

Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2006
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Hi, I have a 2" baby senegal bichir in a 30 gallon tank (i know it will need a larger tank later).

Anyways, I was wondering what the normal behavior for these fish is. My bichir spends most of the time on the bottom nosing around in the gravel. Is he just looking for food?

Hi, I have a 2" baby senegal bichir in a 30 gallon tank (i know it will need a larger tank later).

Anyways, I was wondering what the normal behavior for these fish is. My bichir spends most of the time on the bottom nosing around in the gravel. Is he just looking for food?

Yes between now and 7'' they are eating machines and almost constantly hungry-Anne
I have a bichir, dinosaur eel,... had him about one year. he likes frozen brine shrimp, but he does MUCH better in sand than gravel. he only picks food from the bottom of the tank, and he scratches his head on rocks, so sand is less,.... harmful. Mine is NEVER aggresive, he just finds a place to hide in and sticks there, until I feed it.
i have 2 albino senegal bichirs, and one delhezi bichir ( armored :S )
they are very playfull together and are so easy to look after, i recomend them to anyone who wants a nice enjoyable prehistoric looking fish :)
My Bichirs are eating machines and they are only 15cm, one swallowed an entire TetraTabimin and the other swallowed a whole cube of frozen bloodworms :crazy:.

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