bichir with ancitrus?

bichir boi

Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2004
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Hey, i was just wondering if an ancitrus can be kept with a bichir cos plecos cant? i really like the starlight ones and i do have a lot of alge.
Also as senegalus are from africa can they be kept in a non aggressive tanganyika setup??
It is best not to keep algea eaters with any fish that have ganoid scales such as bichirs and true gars, if the algea eater sucks on the bichirs slime coat it leaves the bichir open to infections which are very difficult to treat and often result in the bichirs death.

There should be no problems keeping the bichir with Tanganykian Cichlids provided they are too large for the bichir to eat.
I agree with CFC regarding the Ancistrus. The only bichirs that are found in the Rift Valley lakes in Africa are Polypterus ornatipinnis and Polypterus endlicheri and even then they tend to frequent the area where rivers empty into the lake or in swampy areas on its periphery. While P. senegalus will tolerate the hard, alkaline water that Tanganyika cichlids isn't the best set of water parameters for the bichirs.


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