bichir tank


Aug 10, 2004
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What are the tank requirements for a bichir? My LFS got some in and I thought it'd be cool to have one (or more if possible) but what are the tank needs for these guys? If there are different types of bichirs, then these looked like the bichir that dwarfs has.
If possible a tank with a footprint of 36'' x18'' tho a 55 would be ok minimum would be great , sandy substrate, low bushy plants a nice piece of driftwood, and possibly some live plants on the waters surface. His are Polypterus senegalus senegauls great first bichirs and very active ones too temp 77-85 degrees
PH 6.5-8.0. Any questions feel free to ask -Anne
forgot they max out at 10-12 inches with females tending to be bigger
I'll back up the part about being active :nod: Constantly swimming and ticking off the butterfly fish :lol: They'll calm down when they get big and lazy :p Mine aren't picky about food, being that they are juveniles they hang out in plants at the top, and eat FD brine,FD krill, FD bloodworms, crickets, and moths. If they happen to be on the bottom they will eat pellets and frozen shrimp :thumbs: One of mine ate a cichlid stick once :blink: Probably better than the freeze dried stuff at least :D
My two are great together, they occasionally bump in to eachother and make themselves look tough, but it doesn't get any worse than that :thumbs:
so they aren't to aggressive then? What else could go with them (2, unless of course they'd rather be alone)... a few (3 or 4) african butterfly fish, bristlenose pleco, school (6) tiger barbs in a 55g would that work? I just don't know a lot about them, maybe I should just research them but if you guys have the answers then it'd save me some time :), thanks for the help.
Scratch the barbs and you're good, at full size the bichirs could easily catch the barbs while they were sleeping/resting :) If you do keep them with a pleco, keep an eye out for marks on the bichirs, as plecos (mostly commons and gibby's) like to suck on polypterid slime coats :)
Are you still planning the tank? I can help with a few tankmates, and so could other people :) Just ask if you have any questions, I'm glad to help :thumbs:
yes defiently still in planning, I didn't know bichirs were from africa (started doing some research anyway) so now I'm thinking it'd be cool to do an african tank, but no cichlids, so I was thinking Bichir, African butterfly fish, now I just need some bottom dwelling african fish, and maybe some other type of middle dwelling fish. This is all planning at the moment and I'm very open minded to suggestions, just thought I'd like a nice "oddballs" tank. (gotta stay at 55g though, or something with about the same footprint)
Ropefish are african, so are african knives (the smaller brown ones with no dorsal fin) :)

There are other fish that could work, although not african, severums or other larger new world cichlids, farlowellas,Geophagus species, larger gudgeons, silver dollars, spiny eels, or other fish that I cann't think of :p I don't know too much about silver dollars or eels, but I think they can live in a 55 :)
hmmm I'll have to look into the african knife, they're like the ghost knife, but smaller? That'd be cool I love how they move.

Xenomystus nigri AKA african knife fish :D
ok got a plan, now I just need funds (dunno how long that'll be :-() well the plan is: 2 senegal bichirs, 3 african butterflies, 1 african knife, 1 elephant fish.
How about a peacock eel Macrognathus siamensis I believe there from south east asia, but there interesting, but be careful, they casn be evil!!!
That plan sounds good! Depending on your filtration, I'd say you have room for a few more moderately sized fish :thumbs: Maybe 3 pictus cats to clen up what the bichirs and other fish miss :thumbs:
That plan sounds good! Depending on your filtration, I'd say you have room for a few more moderately sized fish Maybe 3 pictus cats to clen up what the bichirs and other fish miss

I think 3 pictus would be pushing it. They may be too jittery for the bichirs and grow pretty big.
hmmm I haven't even figured out filtration, and heaters yet, but my guess will be a canister filter or a couple HOB filters that will flow at atleast 550 gallons per hour. (tank filtered 10 times in an hour if my maths is right) pictus cats? I thought they got rather large... or is that iridecents? hmmm are pictus from africa? (Thanks daddyo for the suggestion, but the whole plan here is to go with an african theme (minus cichlids))

Just did some research on my own, Pictus are from Colombia :)-() doesn't fit with the theme, what about a school of upside down catfish they're from africa and get 4-6" how does that sound? will the clean up junk on the bottom (as they are upside down...) or do they swim upside down to eat off the top (none the less still would be cool to add to the tank if they won't get eaten)
astroboy said:
That plan sounds good! Depending on your filtration, I'd say you have room for a few more moderately sized fish  Maybe 3 pictus cats to clen up what the bichirs and other fish miss 

I think 3 pictus would be pushing it. They may be too jittery for the bichirs and grow pretty big.
Pictus cats max out at about 6 inches -_- I've had one that was in a 70 gallon for 6 years and is still only 6" :) I would say get a bit of a larger syno, the usd stay kind of small. I have a network syno with some cichlids and he does a great job :thumbs:

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