

New Member
Jun 22, 2004
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Hi everyone! :)

I am considering purchasing a Bi-orb as my second tank. Does anybody have one? Are your fish happy in it? Do you find it difficult to maintain? Have you had any problems with it? In other words would you suggest that I buy one!! B)

Thanks in advance for any comments that you may have on the subject. :thumbs:
They look right cute all planted and everything and they DO magnify small fish so you can see them better, but they would have extremely little surface area if filled high up, hope you keep the water level down abit. If you get and plant one, let us see it okay?

SnowyZMom B)
Mines great. It's really easy to maintain, it has a good filtration and aireation sytem and it looks great.

There's not much room for fish in it though, only tetra's etc.
Yes, they come with a heater, light, and (I think) a UG filter.

The small surface area would concern me, too. I would definitely not keep a goldfish in a Biorb like some people recommend, but a few slim-bodied fish would be ok.

<<spelling :X >>
Thanks for all of your advice :thumbs:

I did wonder about the area at the top and the bottom of the tank having a small surface area due to the shape. My plan was to put my four adult Mollies into the Bi-orb (if I got one) and let my Molly fry have a free run of the larger tank when the Bi-orb was set up. When the fry had grown a bit I was then planning on getting some Cories (arcuatus) for the larger tank or maybe some more Mollies/ Swordtails/ Platys.

Do you think four Mollies would be too big for the Bi-orb?

Thanks again :)

<Just read the other thread about Bi-orbs>

Yeah they do look nice and I agree that the surface area is a bit of a problem. Will have a think about it for a while as my fry are still small. Was considering buying a second tank because I'll soon have eleven adult Mollies in one tank :eek: and I was thinking about maybe getting some Cories too. That's a bit too many I think though! :S :nod:

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