Bi Orb


New Member
Jan 21, 2005
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Does anyone know anything about Bi Orbs - we set one up recently - got 3 Black Widow Tetras last Saturday and by Monday 2 were dead!! We think it was white spot and have treated the tank and the 3rd fish is now doing fine - will he be lonely or should we wait a few weeks before getting any more? Were the fish infected when we got them?

i suggest youread the pinned topics in the beginers section on cycling :nod:

Hiya and welcoem soo :thumbs:

Was the tank cycled?

*moved from newbies*

www :)

i dont think the biorbs are filterd or heated (not 100% on that)
if they do have a filter im almost positive theres no heater... the temp has to stay verry stable for most tropicals...
BiOrbs do have filters and you can get a heater attachment.
I would get some zebra danios because these are brilliant starter fish because they can withstand the cycling process really well.
Keep testing the water and you will see that the amonia goes quite high then it will drop and the nitrite will rise and the nitrate will start to go up. When the ammonia and nitrite get to zero, you are ready to add more fish! Don't go nuts though like I did.
loafybones said:
I would get some zebra danios because these are brilliant starter fish because they can withstand the cycling process really well.
ZD are too active for Bi-Orbs!

IMHO the only fish that should be kept in a Bi-Orb is a betta.

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