Bgkf Feeding!


New Member
Oct 16, 2007
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So i have this BGKF hes bout...4 inchs i think? anyway at first he wasnt eatting very much and i had a hard time feeding him cause all the fish's would eat the bloodworms before he even got to them, i was just wondering if it was possible to get them to eat flake foods and if he does is it good for them? cuz a few days ago my BGKF started eatting the flake food that sank to the bottom of the tank and hes been eatting alot lately. Will he be ok just eatting the flakes or should i still try to feed him bloodworms?
Mine eats a lot of flake too, but he also eats floating cichlid pellets, small defrosted prawns, any of the frozen packed foods i.e bloodworm, brineshrimp, daphnia etc. pretty much anything i feed my fish.

Try to vary his diet slightly, flake is fine provided he is getting other foods occasionally
BGK are predators so flake isnt a good stable diet, nor is bloodworm. Try feeding the tank at one end and while they are busy drop some raw meat in the other for the BGK. Thats what i have to do for my Senegal bichir
really? bloodworms arnt good for them? everyone has been telling me thats wut they eat =( but ya i tried doing that whole feeding on one side dropping food on other haha the angels will grab the top and whatever floats to the bottom the clown loches eat =(
its not that bloodworms are not good for them, its just that they should be used as a staple diet for the bgk. as long as you add variety in what you feed, it should be fine. my bgk gets a range of tubifex, processed food, bloodworms, brine shrimps etc. i presume your bgk hides in a cave? or behind some rocks or plants, use a feeding tube and drop the food directly there. i use a dropper to do so
yea hes got a ton of places to hide but he never uses them hes always out swimming, but ya i should try using that tude thing to feed him thanks!

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