
We got our BGK last Thursday, not seen much of him since. Now today, all of a sudden, he's all over the tank, scoping the place out. With the light on, during the day. He also tried out his tube. It's been a blast watching him all day, I'm hoping he has just gotten comfortable with the tank now, rather than getting sick. I was warned at the LFS how delicate these guys are, and had another woman standing in line say "I wish I was experienced enough to have one of those!!!" Kind of scared me, because no, I'm not overly experienced in fish keeping, but the tank is fully cycled and I test my water every 3-4 days just to make sure everything is up to par. And I do a 25% water change once a week.

So, I hope my beautiful black ghost is just comfortable in the surroundings now by the way he's acted all day, and not getting sick. We did add two gouramis to the tank today.......

Ghost knives are the best! Gald to see yours is out and about - mine was like that ever since I first got him :D BGK's are not very weak as most people say, however the better the parameters the better it is. :)
Yep, and here I was, sitting with my camera against the glass, taking pictures like a crazy's been a wait for this one, and I'm so glad to have him.


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